Connect to the switch console
Connect the CONSOLE port of the switch to a computer of your choice. If a Linux machine is used, multiple client applications are available to connect to the switch console.
Here, we provide instructions for minicom and ckermit, assuming the switch is connected in port /dev/ttyUSB0
The default configurations of minicom can be used to connect to the switch, with exception of the console port and hardware flow control. Running minicom in a command line with the following command will start it in setup mode (omit the -s
for skip setup):
sudo minicom -s -D /dev/ttyUSB0
In Serial port setup
, set hardware flow control to No
by pressing F
. Exit setup by pressing esc
and minicom will then connect to the switch.
After installing ckermit, edit a file named .kermrc in your home folder with configurations as follows:
set line /dev/ttyUSB0
set speed 115200
set carrier-watch off
set flow-control xon/xoff
Run kermit with the following command:
kermit .kermrc
After following this page, you can continue to the ONIE installation, or if your switch already has ONIE installed then Install BISDN Linux.